About Us
East Texas Bar-B-Q
Everyone knows that Texas is famous for its Bar-B-Q, but there is one region of Texas where the Bar-B-Q is so noted that it carries the region's name. That place is "East Texas" — known for pine trees, roses, and East Texas Bar-B-Q.
Growing up in Tyler, the heart of East Texas, we ate Bar-B-Q year-round. When we were not doing the "Q-in" ourselves, we were at one of the noted Bar-B-Q establishments chowing down. I can remember on more than one occasion, during inclement weather, my father would put his barrel Bar-B-Q pit on our 4' X 4' back porch, fire it up and start Q-in'. It is out of that type of love for hickory smoked and grilled cuisine that Lips Smacker's Gourmet East Texas Bar-B-Q Sauces, Seasoned Salts, and Marinades were born.
Founder Wilford Leonard set out to replicate all that fully embodies the essence of East Texas Bar-B-Q and he has done it with Lips Smacker's Gourmet East Texas Bar-B-Q Sauces, Seasoned Salts and Marinades. There's no need to look any further. You have just found the best resource to put the YUM in your "Q"!
Deuce WLL Holdings LLC, Lip Smacker's is a certified GO TEXAN member business.